Spark of Love Toy Drive
The Spark of Love Toy Drive collects over 35,000 toys and $40,000 in monetary donations for children in need. In addition to collecting toys at all 77 of our fire stations from late November through December, the OCFA works with numerous businesses and organizations within our community jurisdiction to collect toys benefitting over 100 non-profit agencies.
Financial contributions to the Spark of Love Toy Drive are used to purchase toys for children up to 18 year old. The toys are distributed to non-profits within our jurisdiction, bringing joy to children during the upcoming holiday season.
Donate securely online by selecting an amount, or enter any amount.
For donation by check:
Please make payable to the
Orange County Fire Authority Foundation
Mail to:
Orange County Fire Authority Foundation
Attn: Jim Ruane, CFO
1 Fire Authority Way
Irvine, CA 92602
To make a general donation to the Foundation that will be used to directly support any combination of programs, click here.